Zoot-Off (Cabbage)
...May 15, 20180 Commentsbeboys

Product description: A granular formulation comprising of dried, crushed olive pomace, aromatic Mediterranean herbs and natural mineral.
Purpose: To help protect cabbages and other brassicas from the damage caused by root fly maggots.
Method of Application: Applied as approximately 5cm wide x 2cm deep pads around the stems of individual plants. The pad needs to be in contact with the stem.
How it works: The application provides a physical barrier to the egg-laying adult root flies. This works in a similar way to traditionally used cabbage-collars, providing a dry layer on top of the soil surface and, therefore, deterring root flies from laying their eggs directly into the soil around young plants.
Unique Selling Points: An Olive Pomace-based product, comprised of only natural ingredients, attractive appearance, fragrant and incorporating a beneficial calciferous mineral, biodegradable, non-toxic to wildlife and helps to retain soil moisture around plant stems.
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